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Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Nintendo System to be Announced at E3?

Game Informer has reported that Nintendo is rumored to reveal a new system in E3 this June. No official comment has been made and this is all based on speculation. Game Informer has reported that the system is going to be in HD although it is not clear as to how powerful the system is compared to the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. It is rumored that Nintendo has already started showing the system to publishers to try and get them interested in developing games for the product.

What is my opinion on this? It sounds like Nintendo is trying to capture their hardcore audience that they lost with the Wii. Sure, the Wii has released a few good games such as Super Mario Galaxy, Donkey Kong Country Returns, New Super Mario Brothers Wii, but those are over shadowed by the over saturation of poor work out games and awful party games. Plus the lack of enjoyable third party titles is embarrassing low. If Nintendo can refine the motion controls for the Wii 2(not official name, but what I'm calling it for now) and make it seem more like a movement then a pre-programmed twitch control the Wii feels like today, they could have something truly good. (Note: I am just guessing that this system is going to be a motion based system). Nintendo has a chance to win the hardcore audience that was replaced by soccer moms back with this rumored HD system, despite whether it be controller or motion based. If it is motion based, I really hope that some form of Portal will be released on it.

Jon Haeffele

jj75 XP

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