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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Stacking Review

Stacking is a game that was released on PSN and XBL earlier this year for a sum of 1200 points or $15. Usually that is way past the limit of the $10 i like spending on my arcade titles but after beating the demo i couldn't help my self and wanted to continue.

Stacking is a very different game which you play as Charlie who goes after his family after they were all taken and put into hard labor. Charlie is the smallest in the world of stacking dolls which allows him to jump into other dolls and use there special abilities to complete missions.

The one thing that stands out in this game is the art and level design. The levels and each doll is beautifully crafted and I often found myself walking around the level just looking at the scenery. Also the silent cut scenes that movie the single player a long really fit the game and add more to its unique style.

The single player of Stacking is very short and can be beaten in four to five hours but with the option of being able to complete various objectives in multiple ways keeps you coming back to try and unlock the other solutions. There are also Hi-Jinks which are using the abilities of special dolls on another doll. For instance you can hop in a doll who has a camera and one of the Hi-Jinks is to run around and blind other dolls with your flash. Something else that keeps you coming back is trying to collect all of the special characters. There are multiple characters and sets that you are able to find in the different levels of the game.

The only real issue with this game is that there is the occasional camera problem. A few times while trying to complete an objective my camera got hooked up on something and blocked my view. While this happened very few times, when it did happen it took away from the experience.

Overall Stacking is a very enjoyable game. While it may be short the multiple ways to complete an objective and the Hi-Jinks keep you coming back for more.

I give stacking a 8/10

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