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Monday, March 14, 2011

Prey 2 Announced

If you played the 2006 Xbox 360 and PC first person shooter Prey, you are about to hear some awesome news. Bethesda just announced that Prey 2 will be released in 2012 for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC. Human Head Studios, who developed the original Prey, will be working on this one also. Chris Rhinehart who is leading the project said that he is excited to be working on the sequel and "Prey 2 will provide gamers the opportunity to explore a new facet of the Prey universe, one that offers fast-paced action in an open, alien world. We're excited to show gamers the title we have been working on and hope they will be as excited by this title as we are."

As someone who loved the first Prey, and beat it twice when it first came out I am thrilled to hear this news. Let's hope the sequel can live up to the enjoyment of the original. If you haven't played the first Prey, what are you waiting for? You can currently pick it up used at Gamestop for only $3.99. So go buy it now!

If you want to hear some more news about Prey 2 you can follow them on Facebook or just stay tuned to The Iron Gamers and we will let you know when more informations is released.

Jon Haeffele
jj75 XP

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