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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Everyone Can Hear You Sream in DEAD SPACE

I heard recently that There was a Dead Space 2 coming out soon. Now I had heard a whole lot of talk about Dead Space 1 but I never played it myself. So I finally got my hands on a copy. It took me a total of 3 days to beat this game. Let me just say this is one of the most fun I have had with a third person game. For those who don't know what Dead Space is about I will explain. You play as Isaac Clarke an engineer sent on a repair mission of a huge plannet cracking space ship called the USG Ishimura. Once you arrive upon the ship you are instantly sepperated from the other members of your team (of course) and forced to run for your life. Eventaully you learn that the Necromorphs, zombie like aliens you must fight, have only one weakness, that being their limps. You spend a good portion of the game scared to death as you try to figure out if the Necromorph laying on the ground is acutaully dead or just waiting for you. The game is phenominal. I would say that the graphics are amazing. The tense feel of the game will keep you on the edge of your seat. Thus far I would have to say this is on of those rare near perfect survival horror games. The enemies were fearsome and terrifying. One catch that some gamers might not like will be that some enemies can instant kill the player. I found this out the hard way trust me. I personally don't usaully like that in games. I feel it takes away from the skill of a player and more pushes it to luck, but in this sense I really enjoyed it. It wasn't totally unfair the instant kills did make sence. If you were dumb enough or brave enough to try what I tried you would understand. I feel it in the way the game uses it will keep experienced players in check. I also enjoyed the abbility to level up everything you have wether it be your armor or your weapons or your teleknises module. It is a fantastic game that I did not get bored with at all. So for a heart racing terrifying good time Dead Space is the game for you. I give this game a 8.5 out of 10. Thanks for reading and keep leveling up. - Kyle Thomas aka CrimsonPhoenix1

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