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Saturday, June 13, 2009

"Don't Cross the Streams!"



Today is June 15th...Tonight at midnight will be the official release of one of the most anticipated games based off of a movie. Ghostbusters. So, while I'm sitting with two pre-orders, one for n1tron1ck and one for myself, I thought, why not write about Ghostbusters. And right now I am doing exactly that.

This Ghostbuster game is not based on any of the movies, it is set three years after the last flick. You follow around all of your favorite Ghostbusters voiced by all the originals as "The New Kid." Luckily your character is a mute so all of the diolougue is said by the original four. Since you are the rookie, you usually get sent to do various things and test out new equipment before the others. Another nice thing about this game is the variety of weapons. While the proton pack is fun, it is going to be nice to use other weapons to keep the game from getting to repetitive. Another thing interesting about the single player is that every 15 seconds something scary, funny, or something action happens. This keeps the game from getting boring.

From what I have heard and seen, the proton pack handling is a lot like fishing. You shoot at the ghost and tire him out until you are able to get a hold of him. Once you do you are able to trap him and rid New York City from one of its ghosts. Your HUD is on your proton pack to keep a cinematic feel to the game.

A lot in the game is destroyable, and the developers suggest you try it out. When you destroy something, the damage doesn't come out of your pocket, but out of the EPA and Walter Pecks pocket.

Since the game is written by Harold Ramis and Akyroyd, the game keeps that original Ghostbusters feel.

The health is done like Gears of Wars' red ring, once your screen starts to become red, you better get away from where you are standing.

"Don't cross the streams." A line that every Ghostbuster fan is aware of. Even though Egon says that "It would be bad" followed by sub atomic particles and a bunch of things I don't understand, yet the Ghostbusters always find themselves crossing the streams to save New York City. And I'm sure we will hear why not to cross the streams and probably end up doing so, tomorrow, for the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and PS2...

"Tell him about the twinkie"
"What happened to the twinkie"

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