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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Battlefield 3 (Xbox 360) Review

Battlefield has always been a series that I wanted to get into, but for whatever reason never could. I did not own a high end PC so the PC versions of Battlefield weren't accessible to me, also at the time I was a strict console gamer. Then with the release of Bad Company, a game which looked and played great, but for whatever reason I just found it hard for me to want to play. Then comes Battlefield 3.

Battlefield 3 is an overall fantastic experience. From the single player campaign to the multiplayer, there isn't much wrong. The campaign story isn't spectacular, but the levels are fantastic and Dice did a great job of switching the action up. Some missions you played as the main character Blackburn, others you play as a Russian GRU, and in one mission you are riding in a fighter jet taking down enemy planes. At no point during the campaign does the story feel like it dragged out. This game is well paced and keeps you on the edge of your toes without the need of constant action. During the campaign I did have a few problems.

One of the problems that I encountered was that during the quick time event scenes the audio would sometimes go out of sync. This happened a few times and took away from the experience. The second bothers me some more though. There was a moment where I died simply because I was not caught by the enemy. While sneaking up on him, he is supposed to turn around and catch you. Instead of that I was able to sneak up right behind him and kill him which then resulted in a "Mission Failed" screen. This one moment made the game seem way too scripted and took away from the experience.

The multiplayer is where this game stands out. The multiplayer for this game is perfect and feels fresh and new when compared to Modern Warfare 3. Using vehicles adds a whole new level of gameplay and jumping in to a tank with some friends is a blast.

Overall I really enjoyed Battlefield 3. While the campaign was fun and exciting it had some major flaws. But multiplayer in this game is perfect. I really enjoyed this game and I can see myself playing it for awhile.

I give Battlefield 3 a 9.0/10

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