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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Thoughts on the Sony Press Conference


Wow. Sonys press conference left me speechless. It seemed like it was one big event after another. It started off with some gameplay of Killzone 3 which looks stunning, even in its pre-alpha code stage. Then they said that they are going into games which hasn't been announced yet. THANK YOU! See Microsoft, why couldn't you have done this.


Playstation Move is looking like the hardcore gamers motion control. Showing that Socom is going to be fully playable with the Playstation move. Also revealing a new game called Sorcery which looks really great. I think it is going to give the Microsoft Kinect a run for its money. While it may not have voice activated control and be hands free, it still is giving the hardcore gamers something to play. So all in all I think the Move looks really well done and I am looking forward to trying it this September.

One of the biggest surprises of the night was when Gabe Newell of Valve came out and talked about how Portal 2 is coming to the Playstation 3 and will be the best version on any console due to the addition of some steam features. This is a surprise coming from Gabe Newell who has written a lot about how "Sony should just start over" and his hatred towards the PS3.

My favorite announcement of the night for me was the return of Twisted Metal. I have always been a fan of the Twisted Metal games and the new one for the PS3 is almost like a blessing. This will be a day one buy for me and I am really looking forward to playing it.


But the best part of the night, was not a video game announcement or a new device. It was a speech delivered by Kevin Butler. This was by far the best event I have ever witnessed while watching a press conference. Watch the speech below and see for yourself.

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