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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Little Game Called Scribblenauts


Pre-E3 2009, I looked at the DS as something that I would never purchase. Personally I thought of it to be lacking anything I would want to play. But then, E3 came along. And in the midst of all the blockbuster games such as God of War 3 and Halo ODST, there seemed to be one game that everyone was talking about. That game was a little game called Scribblenauts. After viewing videos I must say, this game might make me cave in and purchase a Nintendo DS.

In Scribblenauts, you follow around one lone person. The gameplay is a bit different than other games, instead of killing enemies or getting from point A to point B you have puzzles you need to figure out. Take this one as an example. Lets say you are in the dessert, nothing around you but sand, how do you stay alive? The way you answer that question is what makes the game so much fun. With more than 5,000 nouns in the game you type or write in what you want to appear and it shows up on the screen.

The other game mode is more of a free roam where you can do what ever you want. What other game can you see God kick the shit out of a Kraken? Don't believe me? See the video below. I think that says enough for itself and I think this will be a great time waster when it is released Q4 2009 for the Nintendo DS.

Video-Scribblenauts God vs The Kraken

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