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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ready Set Reviews Episode 7-Santa Claus Movie Review

It's Christmas week! And to celebrate Ready Set Reviews is doing an all Christmas themed week of episodes. The week kicks off with a review of Santa Claus more known as Santa Claus vs Satan. Was it an epic piece of cinema or an epic piece of trash? Find out by watching below.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ready Set Reviews Episode 4-VGA Discussion

On this episode we talk about the Spike Video Game Awards. We share our thoughts on the show itself and then talk about the various announcements and reveals during the show. A few games we discuss are The Last of Us, Mass Effect 3, Bioshock Infinite, Hulk Hogan, and much more. Also, we welcome a new member to Ready Set Reviews, Ryan, as we lose one member (temporarily), Kyle. So watch below.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New Tony Hawk Game at VGA's?

Tony Hawk said this on twitter.

"I'll be announcing the upcoming release of somethign new on Sat; the same day as the Spike Video GameAwards. Coincidence? I think not."

Personally, I enjoy the Tony Hawk games (well, I haven't played the ones with the motion control board) and would be happy to see a return to the series. What do you guys think?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Episode 2-X Box 720/Next Generation Discussion

In the second episode of the Ready Set Review Youtube show we discuss the future of gaming, mainly focusing on the recent rumors of the new Xbox console in development and heavily rumored to be released very soon.

Tune in Friday to see our Top 3 favorite TV shows as a kid.

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Ready Set Reviews Walking Dead Season 2 Review

Watch episode 1 of our youtube show, Ready Set Reviews. We discuss the first half of the second season of The Walking Dead. Did we like it or did it fall to the zombie invasion? Watch and find out.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Battlefield 3 (Xbox 360) Review

Battlefield has always been a series that I wanted to get into, but for whatever reason never could. I did not own a high end PC so the PC versions of Battlefield weren't accessible to me, also at the time I was a strict console gamer. Then with the release of Bad Company, a game which looked and played great, but for whatever reason I just found it hard for me to want to play. Then comes Battlefield 3.

Battlefield 3 is an overall fantastic experience. From the single player campaign to the multiplayer, there isn't much wrong. The campaign story isn't spectacular, but the levels are fantastic and Dice did a great job of switching the action up. Some missions you played as the main character Blackburn, others you play as a Russian GRU, and in one mission you are riding in a fighter jet taking down enemy planes. At no point during the campaign does the story feel like it dragged out. This game is well paced and keeps you on the edge of your toes without the need of constant action. During the campaign I did have a few problems.

One of the problems that I encountered was that during the quick time event scenes the audio would sometimes go out of sync. This happened a few times and took away from the experience. The second bothers me some more though. There was a moment where I died simply because I was not caught by the enemy. While sneaking up on him, he is supposed to turn around and catch you. Instead of that I was able to sneak up right behind him and kill him which then resulted in a "Mission Failed" screen. This one moment made the game seem way too scripted and took away from the experience.

The multiplayer is where this game stands out. The multiplayer for this game is perfect and feels fresh and new when compared to Modern Warfare 3. Using vehicles adds a whole new level of gameplay and jumping in to a tank with some friends is a blast.

Overall I really enjoyed Battlefield 3. While the campaign was fun and exciting it had some major flaws. But multiplayer in this game is perfect. I really enjoyed this game and I can see myself playing it for awhile.

I give Battlefield 3 a 9.0/10

Friday, November 11, 2011

Modern Warfare 3 Review (360)

**NOTE** This review is strictly of the campaign and multiplayer modes.

Call of Duty is a series that I loved. Every time a new one was announced, I became instantly excited and couldn't wait to get my hands. Unfortunately that love I once had for this series is gone. Last year I had a lot of doubt for Black Ops. There wasn't a Treyarch Call of Duty title that I had gotten in too yet and I felt that this would just be a skip. I found that to be wrong, and while Black Ops had some Deja-Vu moments, I still found it to be a fresh new experience in the series. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Modern Warfare 3.

The campaign for this is a blast like the Modern Warfare's before it. There was not one moment during the campaign that dragged on and it was filled with awesome moments that made my jaw drop. There were a few levels during the single player that will stick in my mind as some of the best, and most interesting in the series. Unfortunately, like all Call of Duty games, the campaign is short, very short. I completed the game on normal in just under 5 hours. I wasn't rushing through the game, but just playing at a normal pace. I know Call of Duty isn't known for the single player so I decided to jump online, and here is where I was disappointed.

When I first hopped on Xbox Live to try out some Team Deathmatch, I was very disappointed to see that thew game felt exactly like Modern Warfare 2. The jump from Modern Warfare to Modern Warfare 2 was huge and added a lot of new features which helped Modern Warfare 2 stand out. Modern Warfare 3 feels more like a Modern Warfare 2 add on pack which adds some new guns and levels. Not once during my couple hours with the multiplayer did I feel like I was getting a new experience.

Overall Modern Warfare 3 isn't a bad game. The thing that kills it is that it feels exactly like the previous in the series. I really hope Activision begins changing up the formula and making the Call of Duty games feel new again, or else this series will just head down the path of Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk.

Overall Score
